Virginia Lawyers’ Wellness Initiative
Chaired by Justice Mims of the Virginia Supreme Court
Report, A Profession at Risk, has been published and can found at:
Every VSB member is assessed $30 which will be used for: (1) much expanded Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, creation of a library of wellness CLE’s by Virginia CLE, which will be free to all VSB members, and (3) hiring of a wellness coordinator at SCV to promote wellness throughout the Bar and law schools.
Virginia continues to be positioned as a leader among states in addressing well-being in the legal profession. In addition to offering conferences, CLE programming and workshops, all 8 of Virginia’s law schools participate in a Law Student Well-Being Workshop and VLWI and VJLAP utilized new staff to expand virtual outreach.
Hetal M. Challa Esq., Wellness Coordinator, Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia